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Steroids increase endurance

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Running steroids: Приветствие

Anabolic steroids (anabolic steroids) are drugs synthesized on the basis of the male sex hormone testosterone. Some of them (for example, Nerobol) are used in the form of tablets, others (for example, Retabolil, Nerobolil) are drugs of prolonged, that is, prolonged action and are intended for intramuscular injections.

The main property of these drugs is to enhance the process of metabolism and assimilation of those substances that are used to build tissues of a living organism, with a simultaneous weakening of metabolic reactions associated with the breakdown of complex organic substances. Due to this property, they are called "building" hormones. And first of all, anabolics stimulate protein metabolism. Dared to buy steroids? Here you go

Anabolic steroids also activate mineral metabolism, retaining potassium, phosphorus and sulfur in the body, which are necessary for protein synthesis, and contribute to calcium retention in bones. Anabolics facilitate and accelerate the absorption of substances necessary for cell activity. They can be said to stimulate "muscle nutrition" and increase weight due to the increase in muscle mass. Anabolic steroids are testosterone derivatives, so they have an androgenic effect, that is, they act like the male sex hormone testosterone, which ensures the formation of a male muscular figure.

In medicine, these pharmacological substances are prescribed by doctors in conditions of exhaustion, observed, for example, after severe injuries, operations, diseases; with delayed healing of wounds, burns; with such a bone disease as osteoporosis, with advanced oncological diseases, etc. Simultaneously with treatment with anabolic steroids, nutritional recommendations are also given: the diet should contain more than usual protein, trace elements (especially calcium), vitamins and other necessary "building" materials.
How to evaluate the intake of anabolic steroids by completely healthy people-athletes, athletes, bodybuilders? Strongly negative. Anabolics are doping and are prohibited in sports. Why do athletes and athletes sometimes accept them? Before answering this question, let's make a small digression into its history.

Since time immemorial, people have sought to develop muscles, increase their physical strength. For this, not only physical exercises were used, but also special food. So, for many centuries meat was considered a source of strength. Boxers and throwers, for example, were advised to eat bull meat, wrestlers - pork, jumpers - goat meat. But as time passed, people turned to more effective stimulants. There is evidence that at the ancient Olympic Games, some athletes used stimulants to improve their results. This, in particular, was pointed out by Galen. It is also known that in the second half of the 16th century in England, stimulants were given to racehorses (later this was strictly prohibited). The first officially registered case of doping by athletes in competition dates back to 1865. Since that time, the doping "epidemic" began to spread. Its negative consequences were not long in coming. Already in 1866, the first death related to doping was recorded at the competition. The account of the victims of doping was opened and began to increase steadily.
Anabolic steroids were synthesized in the 30s of this century. They quickly gained wide recognition among physicians, and they began to be widely used to treat a number of diseases. However, it so happened that anabolics began to be used in veterinary medicine (for example, to increase muscle mass and strength in horses), they attracted the attention of some athletes and trainers.
And now anabolic steroids began to be used in sports in order to increase muscle mass, and, consequently, physical strength. Moreover, they began to be used not in those modest doses that are recommended in medical practice, but in much larger ones. Weightlifters, throwers, decathletes, jumpers, sprinters, etc., athletes began to take anabolic steroids to improve their athletic performance.
In America in the early 60s - anabolic steroids are especially widely used among bodybuilders.
There was a time when anabolic steroids were relatively harmless. They could not be detected in biological fluids (blood), which also contributed to the use of anabolic steroids by a certain part of athletes, since it was impossible to catch them in this. After the development of methods for the detection of anabolic steroids, they were included in the list of doping - substances prohibited for use in sports. Currently, anabolic steroids are controlled not only at major competitions, but also in training.

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