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Body steroids

Anabolic steroids are very effective in increasing physical activity and muscle growth. The use of steroids for medical purposes is also very common. Most often steroids are used by bodybuilders and athletes who need large muscle mass, as well as young people who want to look spectacular and attract the attention of the opposite sex.
Steroids, usually in the form of testosterone, are partially responsible for the development of the body, especially among adolescents. They have an androgenic effect associated with changes in primary and secondary sexual characteristics such as voice changes, body hair growth, muscle development, and bone growth. When steroids enter cells, they activate certain genes that are responsible for the creation and use of protein. As a result, all the protein is used to develop and increase the muscle mass of a person. Since the use of steroids in athletes goes without control and in doses that are dozens of times higher than the permissible ones, the risk of side effects reaches 70%. People who regularly use steroids are seven times more susceptible to liver cancer, ten times more diseases of the cardiovascular system, five times more diseases of the reproductive nature, many times more mental illness and psychological disorders than people who do not use steroids.
Steroids can be taken, but it is very important to be careful and use the products carefully. If you take it in cycles without exceeding the dosage, and after the course take PCT drugs (restore the body), you can achieve good results and minimize the number of side effects.
It is very important to decide exactly whether to take steroids, because they always carry with them the risk of hormonal changes. As a rule, they are necessary only in those cases when the bodybuilder has reached the limit and without stimulation he cannot increase his performance.

Steroids to improve body definition: О нас
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